Trusted Address

After reading Thinking About Smart Contract Security I was upset…

I would like to give my two cents for trying to build a better ecosystem, the idea is pretty simple, a smart contract tracking trust between ethereum addresses.

It’s just a big sparse matrix where rows and columns are ethereum addresses.

The following is the smart contract deployed at 0x4d186c43198b3505a41d924a6e2aa6e69d41e978 on morden (testnet) (github, interface):

contract TrustedAddress {

    address[] votersArray;
    mapping(address => address[]) votesOf;
    mapping(address => mapping(address => int8)) votesMapOf;

    //The function takes as an argument the address we want to vote for and
    //a vote.

    function vote(address voteFor, int vote) {
        address currentVoter   = msg.sender;

        //If the currentVoter address hasn't voted before, add it to the votersArray
        if (votesOf[currentVoter].length == 0) {
        //If no vote was casted toward this address, add vote in the voter's votes array
        if (votesMapOf[currentVoter][voteFor] == 0) {
        // Add vote to the mapping
        if(vote == 0) {
            votesMapOf[currentVoter][voteFor] = 0;
        } else if (vote > 0) {
            votesMapOf[currentVoter][voteFor] = 1;
        } else {
            votesMapOf[currentVoter][voteFor] = -1;

    function totalVoters() constant returns (uint) {
        return votersArray.length;

    function voterOfIndex(uint index) constant returns (address) {
        return votersArray[index];

    function totalVotesOf(address currentVoter) constant returns (uint) {
        return votesOf[currentVoter].length;
    // Given an address and an index, it will return the i-th casted vote by that address
    function votesMap(address currentVoter, uint index) constant returns (address, int8) {
        address votedAddr = votesOf[currentVoter][index];
        return (votedAddr, votesMapOf[currentVoter][votedAddr]);

    /* If an address has casted multiple votes toward the same address,
    they will remain in its vote array. This method can help clean the matrix
    function deleteEquals(address currentVoter, uint index1, uint index2) {
        address[] myVotes = votesOf[currentVoter];
        address add1 = myVotes[index1];
        address add2 = myVotes[index2];
        if(add1 == add2 && add1 != 0 && index1 != index2) {
            myVotes[index1] = myVotes[myVotes.length-1];


Solidity version: 0.3.5-5917c8e7/Release-Emscripten/clang/Interpreter

Alice’s address is 0xA, Alice checked the smart contract at address 0xB and she think it’s good and without bugs. She express her trust in the contract by invoking the contract function:'0xB',1,{from:eth.accounts[0]});

The trust matrix could be iterated by the utility constant function totalVoters(), votersOfIndex(uint index), totalVotesOf(address voter) and votesOf(address voter, uint index).

An external script could build the recommendation matrix for easily querying the most trusted contracts.

Questions for the recommendation matrix

Possible improvements

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