Random Notes on Stanford Blockchainconf 2017
27 Jan 2017Decentralization and incoordination
Tadge Dryja
- centralization
- coordination
- uniform access
defining borders/interface of blockchain sustem
decentralization fault tolerant and other stuff
coordination/incoordination communicate and make decisions about the system everything defined is not coordination, this is some out of the system (like block size) access information/ decision based on data external to the system (like passing a tx because is from frank from Canada) ideal uniform access (miner have no idea what they are meaning) no external inforamtion (auditible but not attributible) coordination and uniform access are closely correlated people complain with centralization but is coordination what it matters
bitcoin fairly decentralized nodes mining centralized (why know because they tell us, bitcoin code there is no “mined from”) this means a lot from the outside (pool) vanitygen hurting bitcoin network mining writing they mined a block also
2013 fork, couple of hours split .8 and .7 version and by external communication the .8 version rolled back
2017 segwit: limits of coordination use bip9 to signal support (25% adoption now) comparing to 2013
- less urgent
- larger network
- disagreements among participants
Ethereum more decentralization than bitcoin (gpu based mining and also block faster so you can solo mine easily) threat of PoW obsolosence stopped asic developing (and this is external to code, it’s just an intention -> coordination) opcode gas fork (cheap in the eth network, expensive in resource), coordination (most people wanted) -> no problem
prevent coordination? Maybe is good! (DAO hacker prevented to “steal”) BIP9 needs coordination even on the bits meanings
Maybe is bad want immutability uncoordinationgives uniform access
impede coordination remove coinbase input force new output address one-time using signatures eliminate identities from UI, from coinbase eliminate history (mible wimble) obsucer interface points (btce) eliminate… progress
summary incoordination: external system changes (forks, governance) uniform access
eliminate things -> eliminate complexity -> raise coordination
How formals analysis and verification add security to the system
Shin’ichiro matsuo
provable secure blockchain with proof of stake (sliding window where proof of stake could apply) layers of security
- cryptography (ECDSA, sha2, ripemd-160, secure curve parameters) provable security
- backbone
- application protocol
- application logic
- implenentation
- operation
Open Source Operational Risk
Angela Walch
Risk outside the systems (people dynamics and problems) FMI takes risks seriously and grassroots open source software
- No official responsability/accountability to keep software operational
- no one is the official “decider” (cite heartbleed as problem of OS) forks? old one, new one contentious coexistence of old and new march 2013 hard fork coordination required human coordination and altruism to fix
On the security of PoW blockchains
Arthur Gervais
Comparing security of PoW blockchains parameters: block-time, block-size stale block block generation faster or block size bigger bring to less security following this studies 6 bitcoin conf = 37 eth conf. 60 minutes over 10 arthurgervais.github.io simulation 0.5 sec to 25 min and 0.1-16 MB block 1 MB blocks at 1 minute block no stale block rate increase ???
Bitcoin is unstable without the block reward
Arvind Narayanan
tx fees arrive at a constant rate today standard block reward » fee reward tomorrow (since block reward decreasing) fee reward » block reward change security strategy suppose a miner mine a block with 15 fee and mempool now contains 5 of rewards, for another miner could be convenient to mine the previous block so he can have 20 fees mining learning algo, miner apply weight on each strategy even if 2/3 of miner are mining to preserve bitcoin network (not greedy) the undercutting strategy is profitable without block reward selfish mining could be even more profitable (decision based on the value of the blocks)
Blockchain Tech and Hardware
Nicolas Bacca
Java Card, started 2000 frozen at 2002 (sim card, yubikey) not auditable, no attestation (Security Domain isolation) TSM if you want to put an application on a javacard you have to trust a third party doing it for you and you cannot audit it ARM enclaves basics (secure bit) 3 implementation Apple, Google, GlobalPlatform Long stack of technology to build upon
SGX higher level, rely “only” on Intel Attestation of the running code is build in, intel trust required, attestation based on a secret public group signature requires intel license, own signed code only in debug mode (not secure) Why not use phone secure element? cryptography API inlcuded could not be enough (even also checking to sign transaction less than x bitcoin)
Michelson: a Statically Typed Stack Based Language
Benjamin Canou
- self-amendable via voting.
- purely proof of stake
- git like state
- highly functional, defensive coding style
- designed for formal certification smart contract like Ethereum Michelson language designed to be safe and formal-verified data structures are immutable based Ocaml pattern matching static typecheck, no nulls, no casts all possible runtime errors: div by zero, token exhaustion, gas exhaustion
Light client for heavy chains
Robert Habermeier
blockchain are heavier with state merged in 3/6 months
random sampling of verification give high prob to verify node ID 00 keeps the first shard of blocks 01 the second and so on.
Privacy-preserving smart contracts
Ranjit Kumaresan
claim-or-refund transaction are a pwoerful abstraction and could be used to decompose complex smart contract to many simpler ones
Ethereum isn’t turing complete
Andrew Miller
blockchain a virtual trhusted third party. smart contracts programs running on blockchain. bitcoin and ethereum. Ethereum. turing complete are undecidable (could not build a program that can verify if another program terminates). actually ethereum halts if finish gas (so not turing complete). fomral verification could be applied to turing complete program. bitcoin state is represented by utxo set. commit and reveal scheme to define the winner, problem, what if a player aborts? ADMM1414 secure multiparties on bitcoin solves probblem but with a huge amount of collateral. MB16 lottery on ethereum (easy on ethereum, doable but complicated on bitcoin). private var in etherum cannot be called from other contract (even if you can read it from the blockchain). Covenants/ChegSigFromStack. ethereum is pseudocode, more convenient to implement an idea in ethereum first than deploy in ethereum. is possible lottery without collateral is an Open Question. lottery game is like a gpu benchmark.
Post’s Theorem and Blockchain languages
Russel o’connor
Blockchain programs P(State, Transaction) -> Bool
the idea is that a client who want to create a smart contract create the program that runs it and the validation program that validates it. The latter is used for validation (which is lightweight) by the blockchain validators and computed globally (while the smart contract is executed only on that specific node).
Ivy: a declarative predicate language for smart contracts
Dan Robinson
Chain script language. Ethereum has high level language that compiles in bytecode, bitcoin no. Ivy Predicate language, succed or fails, a limited dialect compiles to Bitcoin script.
Structuring multi transaction contracts in bitcoin
Jeremy Rubin
Is cool when contracts call each other. Safe contract extension for Bitcoin Contracts. transaction level covenants could allow this kind of smart contracts. two type covenant. invariant by execution. invariant by construnction op_sig… sum(outputs)<=sum(inputs) is already a covenant
Future proofing
Juan Benet
protocolo requires a lot of reasearch, less development, less deployment, only a fraction get used. IPFS, address MUST be permanent (hash or public key) if hash breaks must work must work over any transport aging problems, protocol ossification, total breaks (cryptography breaks), tiranny of past mistakes multiaddr is like multihash for protocols
Design and accountability of Byzantine fault tolerant protocols
Ethan Buchman
holy grail:
- formal framework for reasoning and proving properties of conseunsu protocols
- abstraction over consensus protocol (plug-in levels of stack)
- “protocol picker” consensus problem as a solution of an optimization problem
simplified BFT is tendermint consensus is impossible in deterministic problem and async network but in the end: consensus is feasible in the presence of partial syncrony or with some amount of non-determinism (randomized byzantine protocols)
safety and liveness define a consensu protocol
- safety, any process decide on a value other do the same
- liveness, eventuallty a process decide in time
bitcoin drop safety with a probabilistic (strict deterministic safety) no formal proof for liveness
primary and views obama to trump syncronous event, in gambia Jammeh and Barrow, Jammeh decided not to step down, so wasnt’ clear who the leader is. Consensus protocol requires leader to be defined Quorum, not a single leader but n over m problem require additional communication to detect a lie, 3 process are not enough to tolerate one liar across the network (best you can tolerate is a third of process lying in a network)
strong completeness eventually evert process that chrashes i permanentlu suspected. eventual ewak accuracy, eventually some correct process is never syspected by a correct process.
omission. comission. PeerReview.
tolerance and detection are different and the latter is more complex. detection called accountability. slasher a punitive proof of stake algo (not enough detect double signing). alle safe bft protocol are accountable.
cosmos.network (tendermint)
Proofs of space and time
Bram Cohem
using proof of disk space as proof of work. no asic. spacemint is the state of the art of this kind of mining.
proof of space and proof of time.
modular roots, calculate 2^k-1 and doing one other time go back to the original value (slow to calculate, fast to verify).
proof of time by repeated hashing (parallel-serial hashchain) with checkpoint makes faster to verify.
proof of space, find collision in the first n bits of an hash (faster if I am storing a big table of hashes).
transparent computational integrity
Eli Ben-sasson
computaional integrity, how can we trust the output? zkp, use randomness interaction and cruptography to solve computational integrity and privacy.
black-list non-mebership. STARK prove to you element y does not appear in the black list without revealing the blacklist itself. stark meglio di snark in transparency and scalability. withs STARK you can avoid trusted setup. ethereum meetup sunday 29 january institute for the future.
Tiered quorum is decided by the market
5 seconds confirmation time. yen, pesos and yuan supported
Security analysus if the lightining network
HashLock lightning-rfc